MM33 - Sustainable development

Analyze the contribution of economic tools to the management of environmental issues. Elements of economy, economic instruments of environmental management, monetary valuation of the environment, tool of decision support, economic optimum and ecological sustainability, sustainable development and environmental indicators.

MS23 - Ecotoxicological risk analysis

Evaluate the eco-toxicological risk of substances in various situations. Plan an eco-toxicological evaluation, evaluate results in water, soil and air. Sources of toxic. Environmental pathways. Ecotoxicity, short-term and long-term eco-toxicological hazard, exposure to hazard and subsequent risks. The steps and the application of an eco-toxicological risk analysis, their requirements and their limits. Case Analysis.

MS32 - Physical chemistry in environmental management

Acquisition of the notions necessary for the implementation of the sampling-analysis-diagnosis chain in the natural, urban or industrial environment. - Acquisition of the bases of the treatment of urban and industrial effluents. - Acquisition of a mode of transversal reflection where natural processes and industrial processes of depollution overlap widely -Acquisition of the basic notions on the phenomena of dispersion of the contaminants and for the dimensioning of the works of depollution.