P2-MJ11 - Risks, Safety and Dangers Management. (Cyndinics)

Risk news, risk culture, methods and tools to manage, evaluate and control the different manifestations of risk. The stages of risk management, risk classification, the role of predictive analysis, methods and tools of risk management, project risks, economic risks, technological risks and the risks inherent to an innovation project in design or implementation, quantification of risks, Preliminary Risk Analysis (APR), Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA). Methodological Approaches, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Deductive and Inductive Methods, Static and Dynamic Methods, Specificities of Technological Risk, Natural Hazards and Technological Risks, Disaster Theory, Risk Areas, Classification of Zones, Regulations and Legal Follow-up, Major Technological Risk, and minor criminal risk, culture of technological risks, autopsy of disasters, partner organizations in the prevention of technology