P2-MJ31 - Industrial ergonomics

Ergonomics: definition, objectives, different currents in ergonomics: physical ergonomics (anthropometry, biomechanics, noise ...), cognitive (perception, memory,) and organizational (collaborative work, new forms of work ...), methods applied by these currents: methods, protocols, techniques and data interpretation, Articulation between these currents and the design of solutions, concrete case studies in the context of group projects.

P2-MS31 - Governance of occupational health

The institutionalization of occupational risk prevention systems through an assembly of regulations, negotiations and contractualisations, territorialization and, more broadly, the determination of the relevant levels of action from the top management to the beneficiary, introduction to Public health, Impact of community building on health, health at work and sustainable management, sociology of collective action, public policies according to the specificities of the health and social sector, the environment of the institutions and the legal rules in force in the social and health field.